Creating a new GMF Editor
Also see GMF for more details. Having issues? Look at GMF Troubleshooting.
This tutorial applies to GMF 2.0.2; GEF SDK 3.3.2.
Some more tutorials:
- Open up the GMF cheat sheet (CS), we will use this to do most of the work.
- Create a new project (CS)
- Create an ecore model, either by hand or through Java annotations
- In this example, I am using the following .ecore:
- [package "foo"] ns: "", uri: ""
- [class Application]
- reference pages [0..*] : Page **(make sure you set 'containment' to true!)**
- [class Page]
- attribute title : String
- attribute content : String
- reference links [0..*] : Link **(again with containment to true)**
- [class Link]
- reference page [0..1] : Page **(containment to false)**
- Create .genmodel (CS)
- Set the package manually to - this will create the edit code in*
- Right click the root of the .genmodel
- Generate model code
- Generate edit code
- _If there are any errors, make sure your .ecore model is behaving. Once you do this, make sure you do the following:_
- Delete the .genmodel, plugin.xml, MANIFEST.MF files
- Delete the .edit project
- Try creating the model again
- Create .gmfgraph (CS)
- Select "Application" as the diagram element
- There are three types of elements here: node; link; and label.
- Application (the root): all to blank
- Page: set as node
- title: set as label
- content: set as label
- Link: set as link
- Create .gmftool (CS)
- Select "Application" as the diagram element
- Once again, three types of elements:
- Application (the root): all to blank
- Page: set as node
- Link: set as link
- Create .gmfmap (CS)
- Wizard properties
- Canvas mapping: [package foo] / Application
- Nodes area: select Page
- Links area: select Link
- _If you don't have any Nodes or Links displaying here... I haven't worked out why yet._
- Edit feature label mapping
- select .gmfmap / Mapping / pages: Page / Node / Feature Label
- set Diagram Label to PageTitle
- Generate code (CS)
- gmfmap > create generator
- gmfgen > generate diagram code
- Run as Eclipse application
- Create a new diagram by selecting New > Examples > Foo diagram
This will allow the generation of the following ecore-based XML model:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
< xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="""">
<pages title="a page" content="some content">
<links page="//@pages.1"/>
<links page="//@pages.2"/>
<pages title="another page" content="some content"/>
<pages title="yet another"/>
If you are having any issues, try looking at GMF Troubleshooting.