Guidelines for Presenters/Posters

InCoB 2004 invites abstracts on original contributions for oral and poster presentations on topics of interest to the conference. Symposia titles are:

Each participant is welcome to submit more than one abstract but presenting authors are limited to one oral presentation only. All abstracts for oral or poster presentations received at the deadline will be accepted provided that the work described conforms to ethical and scientific standards. However, the Scientific Programme Committee reserves a right to make the final decision.

Authors should submit one (1) copy of the abstract stating whether it is for an oral or poster presentation in a MS word file to Joy Wood. All abstracts will be published in the conference abstract book.

Deadline for title submissions: 30 June 2004
Deadline for abstract submissions: 16 August 2004

Poster Sessions: Each poster selected will be displayed for 2 days at the designated areas. Poster sessions have been arranged to allow for discussions and presenting authors are required to be present at the designated times.

Guidelines for Posters

Your poster should be no larger than 4' x 4' (1220 x 1220 mm). The poster boards for mounting have cork backing, and supplies (pins, tacks) will be available for mounting.

Guidelines for Abstract Submission

Abstracts should be prepared using New Times Roman with a font size of 12 according to the format given in the example below. Abstracts must be no longer than half an A4 page.

NBBnet : A National Bioinformatics Initiative for Malaysia

Rahmah Mohamed, Mohd Firdaus Mohd Raih, Sharr Azni Harmin and Latiff Ibrahim
Centre for Gene Analysis Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Bangi, MalaysiaNatiaonal Biotechnology Directorate (BIOTEK), Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment,Percel C, 62880, Putrajaya Malaysia

In the era of genomics, proteomics and systems biology, the need for computational biology and computer networks is imperative. In many developed countries such as the USA, Europe and Japan, national, regional and international networks specializing in bioinfomatics are already in place. However, in many developing countries, researchers are not able to utilize resources made avaiable in public domains due to lack of training as well as IT infrastucture. In Malaysia, the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (MOSTE) has established the National Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Network (NBBnet) in an effort to provide researchers with necessary informatics-computional infrastructure and resources for bioinformatics......................