
Based on Ember.RadioButton, this updated view also updates radio buttons (with JQuery) if the model changes outside of clicking the buttons themselves with updateChecked():

App.RadioButton = Ember.View.extend
  tagName: "input"
  type: "radio"
  attributeBindings: [

  click: ->
    @set "selection", @$().val()

  checked: (->
    typeof @get('selection') != 'undefined' && @get("value").toString() == @get("selection").toString()

  updateChecked: (->
    @$().prop('checked', @get("selection") == @get("value"))

These views can then be used as normal views:

<label>{{view App.RadioButton name="myRadio" selectionBinding="sortOrder" value="one"}} Option one</label>
<label>{{view App.RadioButton name="myRadio" selectionBinding="sortOrder" value="two"}} Option two</label>
<label>{{view App.RadioButton name="myRadio" selectionBinding="sortOrder" value="three"}} Option three</label>