
With the following router and handlebars code, I wanted to add a runtime property from the router to the template/view (note, using CoffeeScript):

Todos.TodosIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
	model: ->
		@modelFor 'todos'

	renderTemplate: (controller) ->
		@render 'todos/index',
			controller: controller

What you need to do is create a new setupController function, but this must both set the model again, along with any other parameters:

Todos.TodosIndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend(
	model: ->
		@modelFor 'todos'

	renderTemplate: (controller) ->
		@render 'todos/index',
			controller: controller

	setupController: (controller, model) ->
		controller.set 'route', 'index'
		controller.set 'model', model     // critical - otherwise 'model' will be lost

This can then be used as normal Handlebars code, i.e.:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="todos/index">
  <ul id="todo-list">
    {{#each itemController="todo"}}
      // ...

See also this StackOverflow discussion (not sure if it’s related) and my Github commit/branch that covers a related use case.